Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The wedding Singer

It was a movie made back in 1998. It's comedy and it stars Adam Sandler. It's the story of Robbie Hart who falls in love with a girl named Julia Sullivan(Drew Barrymore), after his ex-girlfriend Linda(Angela Featherstone) leaves him because of his job. However Julia is getting married. But Julia's cousin Holly Sullivan(Christine Taylor) who is frequently dating different men sees Robbie and Julia kissing a so called "Church Kiss" to demonstrate it, and finds so cute. So she asks Robbie out and suggests it to be a double date. Glen Gulia(Mathew Glave) who is going to marry Julia in some days later and Julia join the date. They go to a bar and Julia gets drunk so she starts puking. Her cousin takes her out and while they're gone Robbie finds out Glen cheats on Julia with different Women. So he decides he needs to save Julia from him and win her. It's a very funny and it's hard to not laugh while watching.
Here are some screenshots:

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